We recover stolen lives


We recover stolen lives


Almost 20,000 Ukrainian children were abducted to Russian territory. The number of unreported cases is much higher.

It is happening day by day, in the middle of Europe, in the 21st century! Only if we mobilize everyone together – society, business and politics – will the children have a chance.

Successful rescue missions give hope to desperate families. Supported by our partner organization “Save Ukraine”, the mothers or relatives set out to bring back their children. They also need our support.

The film: The fate of the abducted children

To protect the victims, we re-enacted the scenes with actors and alienated personal data.

We are loud for the children!

together we are bringing back abducted children!

Donation amount
Costs for bringing back a child
Financed rescue missions
rescued children

Status: 01.03.24

22,00 Euro

Stolen lives

by Dr. Wladimir Klitschko and Tatjana Kiel

The book about the deported children: dramatic cases and successful rescues.

Learn more about the fate of kidnapped children, torn families and desperate parents. The book exposes Russia’s state-directed, targeted campaign and lays out what Germany can do to help.

Last but not least, it introduces the brave people who search for stolen children and bring them back home.

100% of the author’s fees and income from the book project will go to #WeAreAllUkrainians relief efforts. So that with every book sold, deported children and their families can be helped.

With the collaboration of Mykola Kuleba, Dörte Kruppa, Nina Paul and Sabine Oelmann

Excerpts from “Stolen Lives. The abducted children of Ukraine”

Serhii, 16 yearsSerhii, 16, from Kherson, disappeared in Russian camps for almost eight months before he was freed, also with the help of Save Ukraine.

“A lot of times it was just thinking about my family that saved me when I was at camp. I could think of nothing but when I would see them all again. We were told that no one in Ukraine was interested in us, they tried to turn us into Russians. We were threatened that we would be put up for adoption.”

“I have no idea what would have happened if I hadn’t been picked up. I’m really happy to be back home, in my free home where I can think and say what I want, but it’s going to take me a while before I can live a normal life again, I know that.”

Masha, 16 years, goes to a technical secondary school when her odyssey begins. Under threat of punishment, she is taken to Crimea and held in three different camps for over eight months.

“I finally made a friend in the camp, she became my hope, my family.” Her mother told her that she would come and get her. Masha gained new hope, but as soon as the educators got wind of it, they started working on Masha: “You’re so stupid, you think so? Your mother would have to travel through half of Europe to get here, she never does that.”

At one point, Masha was almost ready to believe them, the thought that her mother would suddenly show up at her house after half a year seemed too unreal. But her new friend stood by her and helped her keep hope. In order to protect them, the names and photos of people in the book were changed or alienated, as well as some location information.

NGO partner
Save Ukraine
Aim of the project
Attention, education and financial support for relief efforts: The retrieval of children and the care of affected families. Additional support for education in Ukraine to prevent disappearances and warn people.
Donated item
Rescue Mission Support: For legal reasons, only direct family members can personally pick up the children, which requires: Official documents from state authorities, transportation to Russian territory, stay on site and return journey with the children.

Psychological care, trauma management of affected children and families after recovery.

Documentation of cases for prosecution before the International Criminal Court. Deportation constitutes a crime against humanity, for which an arrest warrant has been issued in The Hague against Vladimir Putin.
Role of #WAAU
Educational and financial support, German partner organization of Save Ukraine
Time of assistance
Every donation from 30 € we thank with a bracelet. See above. Applies only to transfers with paypal and with the specification of the postal address and consent to the transfer to the handling partner Arvato for the bracelet shipment. Or for bank transfers, providing the contact details for us to request the postal address and agree to pass it on to the handling partner Arvato for the bracelet shipment.

Yes! I want to support this project.

Via PayPal
Donation account

#WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbH

Hamburg Savings Bank
IBAN: DE41200505501503574566

Intended use


For transfers of 300 Euros or more, donors will receive a donation receipt (please be sure to include the postal address when making the transfer).

Save Ukraine Statement

"How many deported children are being bullied? And we can do nothing. But we continue our work despite everything and we will not stop until all our children come home. I fear that this process will take several decades."

Mykola Kuleba
Founder of Save Ukraine

We would like to thank our partners!

Thank you for the great support of our partners, all of whom volunteered to contribute to this project! Especially vow to the newwho initiated and developed this campaign with us.

Do you have questions about this aid project?

Please write to us. We will answer your e-mail as soon as possible.

The press release about the book and the awareness campaign.


#WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbH

Winterstrasse 2 22765 Hamburg | Deutschland

IBAN: DE41 2005 0550 1503574566

Für Überweisungen ab einer Höhe von 300 Euro erhalten Spender:innen eine Spendenbescheinigung (bei der Überweisung bitte unbedingt die Postadresse angeben).

Donation account

#WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbH

Winterstrasse 2 22765 Hamburg | Deutschland

IBAN: DE41 2005 0550 1503574566

For transfers of 300 Euros or more, donors will receive a donation receipt (please be sure to include the postal address when making the transfer).

Donation account

#WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbH

Winter street 2 22765 Hamburg | Germany

IBAN: DE41 2005 0550 1503574566

For transfers of 300 Euros or more, donors will receive a donation receipt (please be sure to include the postal address when making the transfer).